Respekt in English10. 3. 20094 minuty

Radar, Obama, and Czechs anchored in the west

Some of the Czech media have, both in their news coverage and in their comments (for instance Lidové noviny) dealt with the fact that new US President Barack Obama has written off the radar in Brdy. It has not been stated clearly (that probably doesn't happen in politics and diplomacy), but let's be honest with ourselves and say that it's becoming quite obvious.


Some of the Czech media have, both in their news coverage and in their comments (for instance Lidové noviny) dealt with the fact that new US President Barack Obama has written off the radar in Brdy. It has not been stated clearly (that probably doesn't happen in politics and diplomacy), but let's be honest with ourselves and say that it's becoming quite obvious.

There is always something good about all bad things. For example, I had a feeling that Czech society makes the whole radar thing very simple. In their view, the radar will help us cement our relationship with the west. The problem is that at the same time, something in Czech society is moving in the opposite direction, pulling us out of the arms of western society. Unfortunately, any radar, even if there were ten radars and two US military airports here, would not help us overcome most of these problems.


Let's take a few examples. Russia is known for having two legal systems – the law for the power elite, and the law for the plebs. The latter is obeyed relatively strictly and there is relative order in the country.

Let's take an example from the Czech Republic. When you illegally build a summer house somewhere near the Sázava river, then someone would send there a bulldozer to tear it down. When a Russian entrepreneur illegally builds a whole village near Karlovy Vary, nobody's going to tear it down. The town hall is either…

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