Respekt in English23. 6. 20093 minuty

Their prosperity

Mostecké doly Autor: Filip Singer

Czech political representatives are to decide the following thing: Should a group of people who have come out of a recent police investigation as sample embezzlers be given back their property worth hundreds of billions of crowns? Sure, it is a very crazy idea, still, there is a coalition forming in the parliament that is intending to do such a thing.

It concerns the known problem regarding the coal limits in northern Bohemia and Mostecká uhelná společnost. The company aims to cancel an 18-year-old decision of the Czech government so that it can get access to reserves worth hundreds of billion. We've known this for long. The news is what say the findings of the Swiss prosecutor's office that started investigating the owners of this company because of their money transfers to Swiss banks. The results put together the story of a Czech dream on an easy grasp of an enormous fortune, harmful Czech judiciary and acquiescent politicians who tailor "politics" to the coal miners' needs.


This "politics" is remarkable from many reasons, but let's point out one of them: the public interest has completely vanished. This can be shown at one particular thing – mining law [the so-called horní zákon]. The communist regime once decided through the law that natural resources are the property of the people and that is why it is necessary to mine them so that we can enjoy them. Let us now ignore the fact what price…

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