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Respekt in English14. 8. 20079 minut

The forgotten revolution

The tech-centre boom currently sweeping the Czech Republic has brought to public attention an unpleasant fact that's been lying dormant for a while. More and more international companies are opening branches here, but they complain that otherwise competent and well-educated Czechs are crippled by bad English. The country's attractive central location and Czech workers' talent don't outweigh the handicap of poor language skills.

Fotografie: Tom Legros in Lužnice.
Author: Respekt
Fotografie: Tom Legros in Lužnice.
Fotografie: Tom Legros in Lužnice. Author: Respekt

The tech-centre boom currently sweeping the Czech Republic has brought to public attention an unpleasant fact that's been lying dormant for a while. More and more international companies are opening branches here, but they complain that otherwise competent and well-educated Czechs are crippled by bad English. The country's attractive central location and Czech workers' talent don't outweigh the handicap of poor language skills. The potential result is that powerful companies will start looking elsewhere to open their Central European branches and the Czech economy will slow. With the start of the school year quickly approaching, the question is: When will regular Czech high schools finally be able to guarantee decent English language competency for their graduates?


Do a giraffe

A group of chuckling teenagers is making fun of Filip. The tall young man with curly hair just tried to draw on the board something that looks like a jellyfish and bears only the slightest resemblance to a horse and rider jumping a hurdle. The young men and women are yelling. „Jumping,“ one shouts. „Horse riding,“ calls out another. A slight man in a sweatshirt and cargo pants gestures to indicate that they are getting closer and, with a distinct American accent, says, „Try again.“ In the end Miriam gets it right: „Horse racing.“ And then it's time to move on to another game. Using several…

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