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Respekt in English8. 10. 20074 minuty

The art scene that is irretrievably gone

Prague-based artist David Černý's old dream is materialising, at last. On Monday, the long-promised Meet Factory opened in Smíchov, between train tracks and a highway.

  • Autor: Respekt
• Autor: Respekt

Prague-based artist David Černý's old dream is materialising, at last. On Monday, the long-promised Meet Factory opened in Smíchov, between train tracks and a highway. Located inside seductively raw concrete contours, the art factory will offer space for fine arts, music and theatre, like similar places in Berlin, New York or Amsterdam.

The launch party will probably not make it to the history books – only a few dozens people walked through the entrance, decorated by two red automobiles hanging on the wall, which became famous years ago as Černý's installation called „Meat“. But the prospects are good. The heating does not work yet, but the second-floor studios are already occupied by artists from all over Europe. On Wednesday, older visitors enjoyed a concert by Garage and Jasná páka, milestones of their generation; last night saw David Koller's solo; and Saturday will belong to representatives of the local hip-hop scene, WWW and Supercroo. And so on.

There may be (and will be) many objections against the programme. But other factors are, regardless of personal taste, almost ideal. The place's location on the town's periphery between tracks and a highway is a promise of a freedom to produce any thinkable noise. To get to the factory, you can cycle there in just 15 minutes from Václavské náměstí, or take the busy Barrandov-bound tramline and walk 5 minutes from the stop.

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