Czech Republic is too successful
If this country ever deserved the label "economic tiger" it's now. What more could we wish for? That's easy. We want all this to last. And that brings us to the crux of the matter. Czech politics, namely its ability to manage laws and finances, is lagging behind the rest of the booming society.

If this country ever deserved the label „economic tiger“ it's now. The Czech Republic is experiencing unprecedented growth. According to the prestigious Economist Intelligence Unit report, it is the third most attractive country for investors looking to finance projects abroad. The GDP is looking good. Wages are growing, but the number of people living below the poverty line isn't. Regarding the poverty index, we're doing the best of all European countries. Let us linger on the praise a little longer: Czech culture is thriving, as is sport and even science. What more could we wish for? That's easy. We want all this to last. And that brings us to the crux of the matter. Czech politics, namely its ability to manage laws and finances, is lagging behind the rest of the booming society. The squeaky wheels today could, in the future, lead to serious problems.
Between IBM and Skype

Although Czechs may not be aware of it, they are, in many respects, living in the ideal country. The prestigious American organisation Freedom House, which monitors the development of democracy in states around the world, declared that the Czech Republic is a stable country, with all the standards of a democratic society in place. In Central Europe, it is considered one of the few countries that haven't slipped into populism or nationalism.
We have also been spared many of the dramas plaguing Western countries, such as the social unrest of traumatised minorities or…
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