The death of US politics
Two completely different approaches exist in US politics today, but both of them aim to destroy politics.

Two completely different approaches exist in US politics today, but both of them aim to destroy politics.
The first model is accepted by those who do not mind surrendering their opinions and values when entering public life. They base their political decisions on opinion polls. They find the idea of a politician stitching his principles onto a flag and then nailing it onto the mast of a state ship as funny.

This group's star is Hillary Clinton. In 2003, she voted in the US Senate for the invasion of Iraq. Then she flipped to become the strongest critic of the war. And now, the same Senator Clinton is voting for a resolution to link the Iraq conflict and Iran, whose Revolutionary Guards she calls terrorists. The guards have 150,000 members, including the Iranian president, half of the country's ministers, two-thirds of governors and one-third of the parliament. To call all these people terrorists is so radical that even George W. Bush does not know what to do about it. Why did Hillary do it? She criticised the Iraq war in order to defend herself from left-wing critics in the Democratic primaries. Now she believes she has won, and therefore she is preparing to battle the right-wing Republicans.
Divide and rule
The second model is applied by George W. Bush. While Clinton is trying to create an illusion of unity, he polarises strongly.…
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